If you are interested in becoming a partner of Coast 2 Coast Funding Group's please click the "Become a Partner" e-mail button below. When e-mailing our firm to inquire about the approval process, please include a copy of your NMLS Composite View, Company View, State Licnese-Registration List (in .pdf format) that can be obtained your your Corporate NMLS or Individual login, along with current signed and completed W-9. Please put "New Partner Inquiry" in the subject line of the e-mail that you send to help our firm expedite your request.
Upon receipt the information will be reviewed and you will be assigned to an account executive. Your assigned account executive will be in touch with you apprixmatly 24-48 hours after being assigned your account. At that time your account executive will consult you the approval process and requirements to do business with our firm.
It is to be noted our firm only accepts partnership requests with the following approved licensees:
No exceptions will be granted under any circumstance.